1. The New Way of Cooking saves the woman a lot of time
Not the cooking process itself, that will actually take a little bit longer – it isn’t called Slow Cooking for nothing – but you don’t have to stick around! It doesn’t require you to keep your eye on it! You make the preparations, start the cooking process and the Slow Cooking Bag will take over from you so to speak. This way, you can use your precious time to do other things…
Women in Ghana have many tasks and responsibilities, there is so much work to be done! The collecting of firewood alone, especially in the surrounding villages, takes up a tremendous amount of time and energy. With this style of cooking there is less need for firewood and also here they will realize there is a lot of extra time to do more useful things!
2. The New Way of Cooking makes cooking safer
It is asking for trouble: cooking on an open fire frequently and at length, or, less frequently, simmering pots on wobbly gas stoves in small and unsafe areas. Children running around, overburdened women who simply don’t have the luxury of focussing on one task, often resulting in burns, burn wounds and other disasters.
With the Slow Cooking Bag cutting back on actual cooking time, it is easier to concentrate on what you are doing: fifteen minutes is easy, a couple of hours becomes more complicated.
Less ‘unmanned’ pots and pans reduce the risk of dangerous situations. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if for example, early
in the morning, you could prepare breakfast in no time and sliding it into the Slow Cooking Bag, then bathe your children, get them ready for school whilst in the meantime, The Slow Cooking Bag is cooking a meal for them to enjoy…?!
3. The New Way of Cooking is better for your health
Firewood creates a lot of smoke. Women spend hours on end stirring in their pots and pans in wafting fumes, often with their little ones in their lap who can’t do anything to avoid the smoke and are forced to inhale it… There are many small children yearly who fall victim to inhaling these fumes and related diseases (especially if people have to cook indoors) and most of these children are under the age of five! It is also a known fact that that same smoke is the cause of blindness in developing countries…
4. The New Way of Cooking is good for the environment
If less trees need to be felled for firewood and for the production of charcoal, and not so much water needs to be used anymore for cooking… If air pollution goes down because we only need half of the fuels we traditionally use.. you can safely say that cooking with The Slow Cooking Bag is good for the environment!
5. The New Way of Cooking makes the food tastier
Cooking with firewood or charcoal is not easy. You can’t just lower the temperature, which means it often cooks too fast with burnt food as a result, and that of course affects the taste… Using the Slow Cooking Bag, your food has all the time to quietly cook and it can never burn. All flavors remain intact because no steam can escape the pan. Really.. you need to taste it for yourself to believe it!
6. The New Way of Cooking saves money
It makes sense that the less firewood or coals you have to buy, the more money you save. And that make a big difference, especially if you have to spend your cedi’s wisely! But imagine for example women who have their own businesses and now have more time to spend on those businesses, purely because they have to spend less time gathering wood and cooking. That increases profits! You also need less water for cooking with The Slow Cooking Bag, so you do the math! On top of that, no food is lost because it is burnt… that too is profit!
7. The New Way of Cooking is more hygienic
A pan safely packed safely into A Slow Cooking Bag can not attract any more cheeky goats or chickens who wish to have a little taste.
The ever present dust doesn’t have a way of getting to your food.
And isn’t it true that nutrients remain in the food because nothing can escape through the steam?
All in all, seven very good reason for using the Slow Cooking Bag… Good for people and good for the environment!